In this study, both experimental KOUN and operational KTLX WSR-88Ds were scanning this downburst at close range (<40 km). KOUN provided polarimetric radar data (PRD) while both radars provided some dual-Doppler coverage. Data were also collected by a 2D-video disdrometer during the later stages of the convective event at Kessler Farm Field Laboratory located about 28 km southwest of Norman. PRD from KOUN are analyzed to gain an understanding of the microphysics associated with the downburst. Drop size distribution (DSD) retrieval was conducted on the radar data to find parameters based on constrained-gamma (C-G) model. Through the DSD retrieval, statistics such as median diameter and rainfall rate were estimated to further quantify the data. These results are compared with dual-Doppler wind analysis from KOUN and KTLX and the 2D-video disdrometer data to reveal the relationship between cloud/precipitation microphysics and storm dynamics.