Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (6.6 MB)
Post-launch evaluation of the CrIS instrument has led to a number of quality assurance checks to evaluate data quality. Imaginary radiance thresholds applied to the long-, mid- and short-wave channels have been successfully utilized to generate daily quicklooks for each channel. We can independently discern missing spectra from zero-fill radiances, and have noticed a handful of outlier cases that require further investigation.
We will present our methodology, applied to both direct-broadcast Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) and Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) output. The latter has shown a need to address latency issues in CrIS Raw Data Record (RDR) repair-packet granules. In fact, the vast majority of flagged data are due to missing repair-granules in the aggregated IDPS Science Data Records (SDRs). When a 24-hour latency is applied to the incoming RDRs, and processed through to SDRs via CSPP, the success rate approaches 99.99 percent.