4B.1A Further Enhancement of Data Collection Capabilities of the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center WP-3D and G-IV Reconnaissance and Research Aircraft

Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 8:45 AM
Room 9C (Austin Convention Center)
Richard G. Henning, NOAA Aircraft Operations Center, Lakeland, FL; and J. Parrish, A. B. Damiano, P. Flaherty, J. Williams, I. Sears, N. Morgan, L. Miller, and N. Nangia

At the 92nd AMS Annual Meeting conducted January 2012 in New Orleans, a presentation by the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center (during Session Four of the 16th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation) highlighted several enhancements to the data collection capability of the Gulfstream IV SP as well as efforts to improve the accuracy of the flight level data being collected by this aircraft.

At this year's Annual Meeting we will present cases from the 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season as well as the 2012 Pacific Winter Storm Reconnaissance Season where new data types were collected (along with examples of improvement in the quality and fidelity of flight level data from the G-IV). Additionally, new data quality control algorithms developed by our 2012 Hollings Scholar Intern, which can be applied to both the G-IV as well as the WP-3D aircraft High Density Observations (HDOBs) will be discussed.

As was mentioned last year, the G-IV is now collecting Tail Doppler Radar (TDR) data from the upper portions of tropical cyclones (operating from a cruising altitude of approximately 12 to 14 kilometers). Additionally, reflectivity and velocity products from the 2012 Hurricane Season will demonstrate the upgrade of the WP-3D TDR from the RVP-5 to the RVP-8 design. This new radar capability will be discussed while describing penetrations through tropical cyclones at altitudes between 2.5 and 3.5 kilometers.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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