Thursday, 10 January 2013: 8:30 AM
Room 10A (Austin Convention Center)
The Northeast River Forecast Center (NERFC) is one of five river centers in the nation that are leading the testing and implementation of the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS). When completed, this new service will provide an integrated suite of short- to long-range hydrologic ensemble forecasts. As part the testing and implementation, the NERFC has engaged in additional activities to support an Operational Support Tool (OST) which is being developed by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP). The OST will leverage the services delivered by HEFS to improve the NYCDEP management of the New York City Water Supply system of reservoirs, which provides drinking water to approximately nine million people in and around the New York City region. This presentation will describe the activities conducted by NERFC to implement HEFS as well as several additional activities in support of the NYDEP OST development.