Monday, 7 January 2013: 11:45 AM
Room 17A (Austin Convention Center)
NOAA's Aviation Weather Center (AWC) is the premier provider of national warnings, forecasts, and guidance to support aviation operations and planning. As the National Airspace System moves toward the Next-Generation Air Transport System, AWC products will be distributed through network enabled web services and greater probabilistic forecast capabilities will be needed. A majority of all AWC products are now distributed through these web services, with the remaining products to be transitioned in the coming months. In additionally to actively engaging in this data distribution mechanism, the AWC is working to develop additional products and tools that provide probabilistic information to air traffic planners. The Extended Convective Forecast Product became operational in mid-2012 and provides a three day probabilistic forecast of convective activity for long-range air traffic planning purposes. Efforts are also underway to leverage the Aircraft Situation Display for Industry-provided through a partnership with the FAA─to provide value─added forecasts that combine current and forecast weather information with current and planned demands to the NAS. The above efforts will be highlighted, as well as additional work and future plans to build and expand AWC's involvement with NextGen.