Thursday, 10 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Pulsating but troubled nerve of the South Asian monsoon is the intriguing aspect of this study. Year to year the variability of rainfall is huge on month to seasonal scale. Rainfall from CMIP5's coupled models is drilled in this study. Simulation based on various experimental themes like 1pctCO2, Historical, HistoricalNat, HistoricalGHG and many more made possible to visualize Asian monsoon with superior gravity and precision. Additionally the realm of Aerosol, Atmosphere, Land, Ocean and Ice brand it extra fascinating. Coupled climate models are coarse in spatial resolution. They missed the regional information of extreme events of rainfall and other meteorological variables. Using the CMIP5's climate coupled model's datasets and the high resolution raingauge datasets, we sprouted the regional features of rainfall. Further the quality of the prediction of rainfall is enhanced by multimodel ensemble technique. Keeping such simulation in thought, we assessed the impact of CO2 and anthropogenic effects (aerosol and CFCs..etc) on future scenarios of climate.