During periods in which the amplitude of the MJO was strong for November-April 1982-2011, precipitation departures associated with ENSO over the tropical Indo-west Pacific were diminished by nearly 50% during El Nino and 75% during La Nina relative to periods in which the MJO amplitude was weak. For individual seasons, such as 2007-2008 (La Nina) and 2009-2010 (El Nino), where strong central Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies persisted, the tropical Indo-Pacific ENSO-related precipitation dipole was completely erased for many weeks during which time the MJO-related precipitation signal was strong. Over Asia, the North Pacific Ocean and the United States there were clear disruptions to the pattern and large decreases in the magnitude of ENSO-related teleconnections during strong amplitude MJO periods relative to weak MJO amplitude periods.