Examples from a variety of geophysical applications will be presented to demonstrate the diversity of prediction problems that can be addressed by using the DART facility. First, the results of fully-cycling mesoscale ensemble data assimilation experiments with the Weather Research and Forecast model during the last two springs are presented. Ensemble assimilation results from the first season led to revised choices for model parameterization and observation sets in the second season, and resulted in improved short-term forecasts of severe weather.
Second, DART assimilations with the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) climate general circulation model have identified model implementation problems and led to the development of enhanced parameterizations that improve both climate simulations and short-term predictions. The process by which ensemble assimilation can lead to improved models is highlighted.
Finally, DART ensemble assimilations with CAM coupled to the Parallel Ocean Program are being used as initial conditions for decadal predictions of the climate system. Highlights of the ocean analyses and plans for innovative fully-coupled climate system assimilation systems are discussed.