Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 11:30 AM
Room 10A (Austin Convention Center)
Bin Xu, CMA National Meteorological Information Centre, Beijing, China; and L. Jiang, C. Shi, P. Xie, R. You, F. Wang, and Y. Ruan
As part of the collaboration between China Meteorological Administration (CMA) National Meteorological Information Centre (NMIC) and NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC), a new system is being developed to construct half hourly satellite precipitation estimate on a 0.05olat/lon grid over China by combining NOAA series, DMSP series, and CMA FY-3B Polar Microwave rain rate with TMI rain rate. Foundation to the development of the PMW rain rate combining algorithm is the validation of those passive microwave (PMW) - based rain rate retrievals. Since FY-3B is new and not included as inputs to CMORPH, and other established high-resolution satellite precipitation products, we focus our work here on the validation and error quantification of the FY-3B PMW rain rate retrievals. This is done by comparisons with the combined PMW product (MWCOMB) of NOAA/CPC and against a gauge-based analysis of hourly precipitation over China derived from gauge reports of dense station networks.
Overall, the monthly mean rain rate distribution of FY-3B agrees very well with MWCOMB except for a little under-estimate over ocean. In the latitudinal profiles, we can see a very close agreement between the FY-3B retrievals and the MWCOMB over land, but there is an obvious general under estimates over ocean. Pattern correlation between FY-3B and MWCOMB is relatively high over both land and ocean. From more works on PDF check of 30-min precipitation, over a 0.25a grid, we can clearly see FY3B presents lower PDF for weak precipitation, especially over ocean and reasonable agreements in PDF over land.
A gauge-based analysis of hourly precipitation derived from over 30000 station reports is used to validate FY-3B PMW rain rate. In order to compare, 7 PMW rain rate of different satellite, including TMI, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A, DMSP-S16, DMSP-S17, DMSP-S18, are also compared with the gauge-based analysis. FY-3B's bias is a little higher than NOAA-18 over whole China, western China and eastern China. Detailed results will be reported at the conference.

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