Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
The National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission plans to use National Mosaic and Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimate (QPE) (NMQ) as a validation product. NMQ is a gridded radar rainfall product across the continental United States at a spatial resolution of 0.01x0.01 degree over 5 minute intervals. NMQ is subject to adjustment utilizing available operational gauges, satellite observations, and model outputs. This study uses radar only NMQ and NMQ-adjusted products where the adjustment was made based operational Stage IV product. The evaluation of NMQ was conduced using 11 gauge sites in Southern Delmarva Peninsula. These gauges are independent of NMQ product and each gauge site had dual or triple gauges during 2 years of observational period (2009 2010). The collocated gauges were compared to each other for a quality control. A number of sites, these gauges were collocated with National Weather Service gauges, which may be used for NMQ adjustment. A comparison between the NASA and NWS gauges were also performed to interpret the results of NMQ evaluation. Correlation coefficient and percent absolute bias were employed to measure the quality of NMQ product. Preliminary conclusions show that the agreement between the gauge and NMQ hourly rainfall has a wide variety from one site to another.