J2.4 The GOES-R Proving Ground 2012 Aviation Weather Testbed Summer Experiment – Case Studies

Monday, 7 January 2013: 2:15 PM
Room 17A (Austin Convention Center)
Chad M. Gravelle, CIMSS - Univ. of Wisconsin / NWS Operations Proving Ground, Kansas City, MO; and A. Terborg

NOAA's 2012 Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT) Summer Experiment at the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Kansas City, MO provided the GOES-R Proving Ground with a pre-operational environment in which to deploy and demonstrate algorithms associated with its next generation GOES-R geostationary satellite system. One of the goals of the GOES-R Proving Ground is to prepare forecasters to effectively use and evaluate the products before they become readily available in operations. Within the 2-week 2012 Summer Experiment, this occurred as AWT forecasters participated in training, discussions, and provided feedback on the GOES-R products, which are all essential in maximizing the Research-to-Operations process. These interactions continued to build relationships between the product development teams and the forecasters within the aviation community.

The GOES-R products demonstrated in the summer experiment focused on short-term prediction and observations of convective initiation. GOES-R IR radiances and total lightning threat forecasts from the NSSL-WRF, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies cloud-top cooling rates, and the University of Alabama – Huntsville Satellite Convection Analysis and Tracking Strength of Signal were some of the products evaluated for their usefulness in providing meteorological support for aviation impacts to flight routes and terminals. This presentation will focus on two high-impact cases that occurred during the summer experiment. The first occurred on 6 June when a decaying mesoscale convective vortex forced convection that impacted the terminals in and around Dallas, Texas. The second impacted high-altitude jet routes within the northern portion of the aviation “Golden Triangle” on 12 June. In both cases, hundreds of flights were impacted and it will be shown how GOES-R demonstration products can provide decision assistance to AWC and the new National Aviation Meteorologists within the Federal Aviation Administration Command Center.

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