In conjunction with this, NCDC released a new version of its homepage and website in late 2012. The previous website had become very difficult to navigate and was oversaturated with datasets and products, and multiple pathways to reach them. The new site features a flatter/less vertical structure to allow users to find their required product or service more quickly and with fewer clicks through the site. It also features information about NCDC's research and data stewardship activities. Just as importantly, the new site closely leverages development efforts, so that data access and services for NCDC's climatological data use the same underlying software for both sites.
These efforts will continue to evolve during 2013 and the years to come, with all NOAA climatological datasets and products to be accessible via NOAA's Likewise, the NCDC website and all of its content will continue to be enhanced in a phased effort, to bring all of its resources into full alignment with the new site structure.