In an effort to advance the climate science of the cloud-aerosol-radiation (CAR) interactions in RCM systems, as a first step we have focused on linking the cumulus clouds with the radiation processes. To this end, our research group has implemented into WRF's Kain-Fritsch (KF) cumulus parameterization a cloudiness formulation that is widely used in global earth system models (e.g., CESM/CAM5). Estimated grid-scale cloudiness and associated condensate are adjusted to account for the subgrid clouds and then passed to WRF's Rapid Radiative Transfer Model Global (RRTMG) radiation schemes to affect the shortwave and longwave radiative processes. To evaluate the effects of implementing the subgrid-scale cloud-radiation interactions on WRF regional climate simulations, a three-year study period (1988-1990) was simulated over the CONUS using two-way nested domains with 108 km and 36 km horizontal grid spacing, without and with the cumulus feedbacks to radiation, and without and with some form of four dimensional data assimilation (FDDA). Initial and lateral boundary conditions (as well as data for the FDDA, when enabled) were supplied from downscaled NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis II (R2) data sets. Evaluation of the simulation results will be presented comparing regional surface precipitation and temperature statistics with North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data and Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) data, respectively, as well as comparison with available surface radiation (SURFRAD) and satellite (CERES) observations. This research supports improvements in the EPA's WRF-CMAQ modeling system, leading to better predictions of present and future air quality and climate interactions in order to protect human health and the environment.