While we expect this suite of observations to be useful for understanding cloud-aerosol interactions that play a role in development of continental convective clouds (as well as their suitability for seeding), greater understanding can be obtained by comparative analysis of these observations with simulations using a model that can incorporate aerosol physics and chemistry. The Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) is one such model. WRF-Chem can also be effectively used as a means of examining the sensitivity of the results to changes in the aerosol concentration, composition and treatment of cloud-aerosol interactions. In this presentation, we will present preliminary results from WRF-Chem simulations for one or more cloud systems during the week of 8 July, validating the simulations against the cloud and aerosol properties derived from the in situ and dual-polarization radar observations. The results from the combined observational/modeling analysis will be used to make inferences regarding the role of aerosols in the evolution of the convective cloud system.