During the intensive observation period of DYNAMO field campaign, three active episodes of large-scale convection associated with the MJO passed eastward across the tropical Indian Ocean. Surface westerly winds near the equator were particularly strong during the events in late November and late December 2011, exceeding 10 m/s. These westerlies generate strong eastward jets (>1m/s) on the equator, and downwelling near the eastern boundary. These equatorial jets are realistically simulated by HYCOM. The analysis of the model output demonstrates that anomalous positive SSH at the eastern boundary propagates along the coast of Sumatra and Java as coastal Kelvin waves, which largely reduces the Indonesian Throughflow transport at Makassar Strait during January-February. The impact of the MJO events on the Seychelles-Chagos thermocline ridge region through reflected Rossby waves may also be discussed based on the HYCOM experiment.