Monday, 7 January 2013: 5:00 PM
Room 13AB (Austin Convention Center)
The issue of energy literacy is a critical component towards developing solutions that promote a stable climate system. The Green Ninja project uses both formal and informal education channels to engage young people in topics related to climate science through short films and social media tools. One of these tools currently in use is the Green Ninja Smart Energy Contest ( The contest partners with schools and other youth organizations to provide students with real world experience using home energy monitoring and efficiency tools. One of the Green Ninja films serves as the contest storyline and smart meter technology (which is widely available in Northern California) is used for real time energy monitoring. The goal of the contest is to demonstrate reductions in home energy use through student motivated one-time actions (e.g. replacing a light bulb) and home behavior change (e.g. encouraging family members to turn off lights when not in use). Other tools include a mobile phone application that encourages energy and resource efficient behavior in local shops and restaurants. Both of these social engagement tools are being launched and tested during the Fall 2012 and results and reflections will be presented.