Thursday, 10 January 2013: 2:45 PM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (2.5 MB)
NOAA initiated its Climate Data Record Program (CDRP) in 2009 to develop and operationally provide authoritative satellite Climate Data Records (CDRs) to the government and the private sector. The CDRs are based primarily on 35+ years of meteorological satellite and in situ data collected by NOAA and the Department of Defense. To date, the Program has transitioned 14 CDRs from research to initial operations. In the past year, the CDRP developed and implemented a framework to continuously extend historical CDRs using Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs). ICDRs are first batch CDRs generated within several days of observation using official CDR algorithms and processes. ICDRs are required by decision support systems and other near-term applications which need current data that are fully consistent with homogeneous historical records. For example, an electrical power utility may need temperature and precipitation ICDRs to optimally identify, in both time and space, the closest historical analog period to recent weather. The utility could then use contemporaneous business data from that period to inform current decision-making. In addition to their homogeneity and consistency, ICDRs are more complete than operational weather products since ICDR processing can await upstream data delays that can negate data value for weather forecasting. However, the operational nature of ICDRs means their accuracy typically can be improved through reprocessing once better sensor calibration and characterization data become available. Therefore, ICDRs may be considered valuable but temporary placeholders. This presentation provides an update on NOAA's CDR Program, focusing on the new CDRs transitioned to operations in 2012 and the ICDR framework used to extend CDRs and meet the needs of private sector applications as well as climate monitoring and indicators activities.
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