Thursday, 10 January 2013: 4:00 PM
Room 17A (Austin Convention Center)
The Canadian Airport Nowcasting Project (CAN-Now) has developed an advanced prototype all-season weather forecasting and nowcasting system that can be used at major airports. This system uses numerical model data, pilot reports, ground in situ sensor observations (precipitation, icing, ceiling, visibility, winds), on-site remote sensing (such as vertically pointing radar and microwave radiometer) and off-site remote sensing (satellite and radar) information to provide detailed nowcasts out to approximately 6 h. The nowcasts, or short term weather forecasts, should allow decision makers such as pilots, dispatchers, de-icing crews, ground personnel or air traffic controllers to make plans with increased margins of safety and improved efficiency. The system has been developed and tested at Toronto Pearson International Airport (CYYZ) and Vancouver International Airport (CYVR). A Situation Chart has been developed to allow users to have a high glance value product which identifies significant weather related problems at the airport. Products combining observations and numerical model output into nowcasts have been tested and reported on in a recent publication (Isaac et al., 2013, ( DOI: 10.1002/met.1342). This presentation will briefly describe the system, the latest improvements, and future plans. This includes updating the system with the latest Canadian and U.S. forecast NWP models, additional tests of the nowcast systems, new spatial forecast maps, addition of more radar and satellite products, installation of improved equipment at Pearson airport, and use of the CAN-Now products in the First Guess TAF system being developed by Environment Canada.