The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, school-based science and education program. GLOBE's vision is to promote interaction and support collaboration between students, teachers, and scientists. In addition, GLOBE utilizes an inquiry-based approach for investigations, as students explore environmental problems of local relevance, contribute data to an international scientific database, and design and carry out projects to improve their school and community.
The cornerstone of GLOBE is the collection of research-quality environmental measurements collected by students all over the world. The GLOBE program works in close partnership with NASA, NOAA, and NSF Earth System Science Projects (ESSP's). Moreover, GLOBE students from around the world are able to communicate with each other and discuss diverse and common environmental issues.
Thus, by combining and infusing these two rich science programs in a balanced approach, students in GEO 1233 will be given opportunities to be engaged through multiple learning modalities. The merging of these two science programs provide students with a wealth of knowledge and opportunities. Thus, while using the AMS Students and scientists investigate the atmosphere and Earth as a system through the collection of data using measurement protocols and using instruments that meet certain specifications in order to ensure that data are comparable.
Topic to be discussed: Infusing Through a Balanced Approach: How to align GLOBE investigations with learning objectives/assignments in the AMS Climate Studies Course.