Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 8:30 AM
Room 19A (Austin Convention Center)
Many attempts have been made to determine the size and impact of the United States Weather Enterprise; however, they have been scattershot and have resulted in many pieces of the enterprise being analyzed without a comprehensive analysis that encompasses all parts within the enterprise (e.g., the private sector, academia and public agencies at both the federal and state levels). The AMS Commission on the Climate and Weather Enterprise has created the Ad Hoc Weather Enterprise Economic Evaluation Team (WEEET) to draft an RFP that would result in an analysis of the broader weather enterprise. It would also provide the community with a meaningful synthesis of the size, sectors and impacts of our community that can be used to convey to stakeholders in Congress, the Administration, as well as the general public. The WEEET team has been working to create an RFP, and this session will address the status of the development process, key issues that were addressed, and the timeline for the future, particularly in terms of handing a final RFP over to AMS that they will then administer through a competitive process.