Session 6B Tropical Climate Variability I

Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Ballroom C (Austin Convention Center)
Host: 25th Conference on Climate Variability and Change
Michelle L'Heureux, NOAA/CPC, College Park, MD

2:00 PM
Tropical Pacific Sea Level Pressure Trends Indicate a Strengthening Walker Circulation
Michelle L'Heureux, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, College Park, MD; and S. Lee and B. Lyon

2:45 PM
Revisiting the Tropical Cyclone—Easterly Wave Relationship on Interannual Time Scales
James I. Belanger, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and J. A. Curry and M. T. Jelinek
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner