While climate variability and change are largely governed by global phenomena adaptation to climate phenomena is primarily a regional and local problem. Regional climate models (RCMs) play an important role in downscaling global climate model information to the regional and local scale - at which local stakeholders and decision makers operate. In this session, we solicit talks related to the development and application of RCMs. We welcome talks focusing on diagnosis and evaluation of RCMs with in situ and remote sensing observations, improved physical parameterizations, and the relationship between large-scale climate variability and change with local phenomena. Application of RCMs to hydrological, ecological, agricultural and water resources management problems, including the prediction of hydrologic extremes, are also welcome. Contact(s): Francina Dominguez (francina@hwr.arizona.edu), Leung, Lai-Yung (Ruby) (Ruby.Leung@pnnl.gov), Om Tripathi (tripathi@atmo.arizona.edu), and Hsin-I Chang (hchang@atmo.arizona.edu)