Rapid advances in computing, communications, and observational technologies in the last decade have resulted in a dramatic proliferation of data from diverse sources, data that are consumed and by an ever broadening community of users and shared across the world for myriad applications. As a result of the changing information technology landscape, there has been a revolution in the data services that are provided, including changes in how data are accessed, analyzed, managed, shared, and archived. The 2002 AMS Statement on Free and Open Exchange of Environmental Data does not reflect many of the recent advances and needs to be revised. For example, concepts such as data transparency, re-use, provenance, stewardship, preservation, citation, standards and conventions are not mentioned. At its September 2012 meeting, the AMS Council approved the proposal for the revision of the Policy Statement on Free and Open Exchange of Environmental Data. The purpose of this town hall is to seek input for that revision from the members in attendance at the AMS Annual Meeting. For additional information, please contact Mohan Ramamurthy (mohan@ucar.edu).