Investigating Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Relationships in South Atlantic Stratocumulus Clouds Using Modern and Long-Term Historical Satellite Data Sets

Here we investigate current and historical relationships between and trends in cloud properties (cloud fraction, cloud thickness, effective radius), precipitation (drizzle) and aerosol (type and altitude) over the African Stratocumulus Cloud deck region. We present detailed analysis of NASA A-train data sets (MODIS, CloudSat, CALIPSO, OMI) and long-term historical data sets including TOMS (Nimbus 7 and Earth Probe), AVHRR, ISCCP cloud products, GPCP precipitation and TRMM. Additional meteorological information is obtained through the use of NCEP/NCAR and MERRA reanalysis data sets. Statistical analysis and multi-variate composite analysis of these data sets are used to examine the spatial and temporal correlations and relationships between the described data sets.