Preparing the Direct Broadcast Community for GOES-R Part II
Preparing the Direct Broadcast Community for GOES-R Part II

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The first satellite in the United States next generation weather satellite program, GOES-R, will be launched in 2015. SeaSpace Corporation is using our recent experience and lessons learned from bringing Suomi NPP-capable direct reception systems online, to similarly bring direct reception solutions to future GOES-R users. This includes earlier outreach to customers, due to the advance budgeting deadline for procurement in many agencies. With the cancellation of eGRB, all current GOES gvar customer will need a new direct readout system, including dual receivers, high powered processing subsystem, and a reflector as large as 6m. SeaSpace's most recent preparations include on-site testing using the government-procured GRB emulator. Results from these tests will be presented along with an update to the direct reception community on the steps that SeaSpace is undertaking to prepare for reception and processing of GOES-R satellite data, and detail the solutions offered.