Integration of the total lightning jump algorithm into current operational warning environment conceptual models
Integration of the total lightning jump algorithm into current operational warning environment conceptual models

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 4:45 PM
Room C203 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
(932.1 kB)
The presence and rates of total lightning are both correlated to and physically dependent upon storm updraft strength, mixed phase precipitation volume and the size of the charging zone. The updraft modulates the ingredients necessary for electrification within a thunderstorm, while the updraft also plays a critical role in the development of severe and hazardous weather. Therefore utilizing this relationship, the monitoring of lightning rates and jumps provides an additional piece of information on the evolution of a thunderstorm, more often than not, at higher temporal resolution than current operational radar systems. This correlation is the basis for the total lightning jump algorithm (LJA) that has been developed in recent years. Currently, the lightning jump algorithm is being tested in two separate but important efforts. Schultz et al. (2014; 10th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems; this meeting) is exploring the transition of the algorithm from its research based formulation to a fully objective algorithm that includes storm tracking, Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Proxy data and the lightning jump algorithm. Chronis et al. (2014; this conference) provides context for the transition to current operational forecasting using lightning mapping array based products. A remaining challenge for the transition of LJA research to operations (R20) is the development of an end to end physical and dynamical basis for relating lightning rates and trends to severe storm manifestation, so the forecaster has a reason beyond simple correlation to utilize the lightning jump algorithm within their severe storm conceptual models. Therefore, the physical basis for the lightning jump algorithm in relation to severe storm dynamics and microphysics is a key component that must be further explored. Many radar studies have examined flash rates and their relation to updraft strength, updraft volume, precipitation-sized ice mass, etc.; however, their relation specifically to lightning jumps is fragmented within the literature, often assumed and hence poorly understood. Thus the goal of this study is to use polarimetric and multiple Doppler radar techniques to resolve the physical and dynamical storm characteristics specifically around the time of the lightning jump in severe storms. This information will help forecasters anticipate lightning jump occurrence, or even be of use to determine future characteristics of a given storm (e.g., development of a mesocyclone, downdraft, or hail signature on radar), providing additional lead time/confidence in the severe storm warning paradigm.