The GOES-R Proving Ground 2013 Summer Experiment at the Aviation Weather Center

This year's two-week experiment was built around the structure of AWC operations, using a mock set-up of the forecasting desks found out on the operations floor, both domestic and global, as well a Situational Awareness desk. The latter desk was the central location for the GOES-R Proving Ground evaluation, where participants were able to use the various satellite and lightning datasets in an attempt to forecast for potential impacts to major flight routes and terminals due to convective activity. Collaboration with the other desks also allowed for the exploration of each dataset in the issuance of various AWC products such as the Aviation Weather Statement (AWS), the Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP), and others. The following presentation will outline the day-to-day logistics of the experiment, the products evaluated, and a summary of the forecaster feedback as noted through various weather events.