Impacts of Saharan Dust Transport over the Atlantic Ocean
Impacts of Saharan Dust Transport over the Atlantic Ocean

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The NAMAA suggested the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season was below‐average for the Atlantic and less active because the dry Saharan Air layer (SAL) seemed to be strong coming across the Atlantic. The MODIS on NASA's Aqua satellite captured a strong SAL out break moving off Africa across the Atlantic Ocean on June 24, 2009. Under the NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) Project, a study has been undertaken to investigate the above aspects affecting Sahara dust on Atlantic hurricane activity. Monitoring of the upper ocean thermal structure has become a key element in the study of hurricane ocean interaction with respect to the prediction of tropical cyclone intensification. We analyzed the data obtained from NOAA/AOML for tropical Cyclone Heat Potential and Sea Surface Temperatures during June and July of 2009. The results suggest that there is a significant reduction in heat potential, sea surface temperatures, and hurricane activity during the 2009 hurricane season. We will present and discuss the results and explore the possible physical mechanisms including ocean cooling, mid‐level shear, role of aerosols, and blocking convection. We will also investigate the effects on particulate matter and the ozone using satellite and conventional data.