GOES-R Proving Ground: Results from the 2013 Demonstrations and Future Plans
GOES-R Proving Ground: Results from the 2013 Demonstrations and Future Plans

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 10:30 AM
Room C111 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
GOES-R and Meteosat Third Generation (MTG), while providing a great leap forward in observing capabilities, will also offer a significant challenge to ensure that the users are ready to exploit the improvements in spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. In order to ensure user readiness, forecasters and other users must have access to prototype advanced products well before launch, and have the opportunity to provide feedback to product developers to ensure that the end products truly meet their needs. The GOES-R Proving Ground (PG) engages the National Weather Service (NWS) forecast and warning communities, and other U.S. and international users in pre-operational demonstrations of select products with GOES-R attributes (enhanced spectral, spatial , radiometric, and temporal resolution). In the PG, developers and forecasters test and apply algorithms for new GOES-R satellite data and products using proxy data sets from numerous satellites (TERRA, AQUA, GOES, MSG, Suomi-NPP, and TRMM), lightning networks and computer simulated products. User education, outreach and training are critical components of user readiness. The PG is both a recipient and a source of education and training. Training material is developed to prepare the participants of PG activities such as the Hazardous Weather Testbed's Spring Experiment, and on the other hand, the PG provides a rich source of training material to help prepare many GOES-R user communities.
Plans for the future include partnering with JPSS and EUMETSAT to transition to a “satellite proving ground” and going beyond the standard GOES-R product sets to introduce more blended and fused products to simulate how forecasters will integrate the GOES-R information with other forecast tools. The PG is expanding beyond the NWS operational users to include participation from the international and broadcaster communities. This presentation will show examples of the proxy and simulated GOES-R products and provide feedback on their operational value from PG participants at the Storm Prediction Center, the National Hurricane Center, and the Aviation Weather Center.