Toward Reducing Cloudy-sky CRTM Biases Against Satellite Observations at High-frequency Microwave Channels

Based on more than 5 years of collocated and coincident NOAA-18 MHS-CloudSat measurements, this fast model contains a set of empirical coefficients, or LUT, to describe the relationship between MHS cloud-induced radiance depression (Tcir) and CloudSat ice water path (IWP) at 157, 183±3 and 190 GHz. In the tropics, the Tcir-IWP relationships are also dependent slightly on cloud top height (CTH), while at the mid-latitude, the tropospheric temperature lapse rate plays a key role in modulating the variability of the relationships. A set of LUT with analytical solutions of the Jacobian matrices was then built-up. The retrieved IWP from MHS was further validated against CloudSat observations, which shows broad agreement between 300 and 104 g/m2.
We further compare the cloudy-sky biases of CRTM and the fast scattering model using MERRA reanalysis and a higher-resolution analysis (National Climate Assessment Run, or NCA run) as the input. We will show that the current CRTM produces Tcir-IWP curves that are too shallow at these microwave channels compared with the observation, unable to close the radiance bias with reasonable IWP in optically thick/precipitating scenes during DA processes. The fast scattering model is able to greatly reduce the biases at these scenes. Together with CRTM “clear-sky” module, it runs 3X faster than the current CRTM “cloud scattering” mode. By swapping the current LUTs in CRTM with those generated from this study, the improved CRTM is expected to provide a critical step toward accurately representing cloudy radiances, enabling effective assimilation of all-sky radiances from NASA and NOAA future cloud/precipitation missions using high-frequency microwave.