The Case of a Classic Squall of Unusual Origin Causing Classic Damage
The Case of a Classic Squall of Unusual Origin Causing Classic Damage

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
One knows a classic convective squall line when one sees one (on radar). The squall line is bow-shaped and is associated with frequent lightning, severe winds (and gusts) and heavy rain. Hence, it is not surprising that the development of a long-lasting squall line on July 10th 2013 led to widespread power outages and wind damage in Ohio and vicinity.
However, the formation of this squall line was anything but typical. In fact, there was very little indication that a squall line would form at all.
We will review the unusual mode of formation of this squall line using radar and total lightning maps. We will assimilate lightning into a retrospective forecast to nudge the forecast model. It will be shown that the assimilation of lightning at high spatial and temporal scales is required to "help" the model create the complex physical processes that led to this destructive weather event.