Post-Processing Python Software for Community Ice Sheet Model
Post-Processing Python Software for Community Ice Sheet Model

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 8:45 AM
Room C302 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
We present a diagnostic package of verification and validation tools for the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) within the Community Earth System Model (CESM) written primarily in Python Programming Language. CISM is a model that enables the user to resolve continental and local dynamics of ice sheets. The novelty of CISM requires a new combination of V&V tools that are packaged within this state-of-the-art post-processing software. The Land Ice Verification and Validation (LIVV) software is an interactive tool designed to help the scientific modeler test the validity of the model. The software links to a web page for easy but comprehensive analysis of model output and offers visualization tools for quantitative comparison between previous benchmark runs and current runs. The program is designed to run on both a supercomputer and local desktop. It includes an extensible framework enabling the addition of new data sets and verification test cases. Future developments are planned for extending the LIVV kit infrastructure to process other models and in turn allow multi-model intercomparison. Due to the scarcity of ice sheet observational data sets, focus is also being placed on creating a framework for statistical analysis to maximize the available data and allow straightforward inclusion once more observations are collected.