Is the semi-direct effect for smoke overlying stratocumulus clouds overrated? Circulation variability and radiative impacts Reconsidered for the southeast Atlantic
Is the semi-direct effect for smoke overlying stratocumulus clouds overrated? Circulation variability and radiative impacts Reconsidered for the southeast Atlantic

Monday, 3 February 2014: 12:00 AM
Room C207 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Smoke produced by seasonal biomass burning in the southwestern African savannah can be advected westward over the Atlantic Ocean, where it mostly overlies a major planetary stratocumulus deck. Shortwave absorption by the smoke warms the atmosphere, stabilizing it, thereby reducing cloud-top entrainment and encouraging cloud thickening (the semi-direct effect). Associated dynamical and moisture effects that may be convoluted with the semi-direct effect have received less attention, and are examined here. Radiosondes from the remote St. Helena Island (15.9oS, 5.6oW) are combined with MODIS fine-mode aerosol optical depth (AODf), and composited into pristine and polluted days for the September-October months. Increases in AODf are associated with increases in 750-500 hPa moisture content that produce a diurnal-mean shortwave heating rate of ~ 0.2 K day-1 from the moisture alone. The polluted conditions are associated with a stronger mid-level anticyclone over southern Africa, facilitating the westward and (offshore) southward transport of both smoke and moisture. The shallower surface-based south Atlantic anticyclone shifts to east, strengthening the low-level coastal jet exiting into the stratocumulus deck, and enhancing warm temperature advection above the main stratocumulus deck. This increases the lower tropospheric stability (θ800-θ1000) and enhances the surface fluxes, strengthening the stratocumulus deck. Thus, the dynamics encouraging smoke transport and the additional shortwave absorption by moisture act in concert with the semi-direct effect to increase the cloud fraction and thicken the clouds. The uncertainties inherent to the realistic modeling of the smoke, cloud, their interactions and their climatic effects motivate a field deployment, ONFIRE, proposed to the southeast Atlantic in 2016, that will also be discussed.