Assimilation of cloud top temperature and radar observations of an idealized splitting supercell

Four assimilations are completed to explore the relative value of cloud-top temperature and radar observations. One experiment only assimilates radar data, while another experiment only assimilates cloud-top temperature data. Two experiments assimilate combined radar/satellite observations with the observation types assimilated in different order. A rather weak correlation is found between cloud-top temperature and dynamical variables, while larger correlations are found between cloud top temperature and microphysical variables. Results show that the assimilation of cloud-top temperature data produces a convective storm in the ensemble, although the storm fails to develop a mesocyclone and is larger than in the truth run. The addition of radar observations greatly improves the storm structure and reduces the over-prediction of storm extent. A 1-hour post-assimilation forecast is made for each experiment to gain some insight into the overall efficiency of assimilating radar data along with cloud-top temperature.