An improved Database for the Central Andes
An improved Database for the Central Andes

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The combined Scheme methodology is applied to merge satellite precipitation estimation data and surface rainfall data to the Central Andes which is a complex topography region. Raingauges over the Central Andes are scarce, a better approach to improve our knowledge about precipitating systems relies on an adequate combination of surface observations and satellite estimations. The present study works with the TRMM3B42 algorithm and a technique called the Combined Scheme (CoSch) that merges satellite data with surface data, in this case the Bolivian Weather Service database. When compared the TRMM 3B42 with the CoSch, known features become clear such as the moisture transport by the South American low level jet and the role of the mountainous regions to trigger convection. The resulting database is also compared with the new reanalysis NCEP/CFSR . Interestingly the reanalysis' performance and the CoSch coincide on various features (such as seasonality, and spatial distribution of precipitation), however overestimation is still a problem for the reanalysis. The final result is an improved gridded database that allows to perform other society relevant studies.