Interactive Visualization of Large-Scale Radar and Rainfall Data using Graphical Processing Unit and Latest Web Technologies
Interactive Visualization of Large-Scale Radar and Rainfall Data using Graphical Processing Unit and Latest Web Technologies

Thursday, 6 February 2014: 9:15 AM
Room C106 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
As geoscientists are confronted with increasingly massive datasets from environmental observations to simulations, one of the biggest challenges is having the right tools to gain scientific insight from the data and communicate the understanding to stakeholders. Recent developments in web technologies make it easy to manage, visualize and share large data sets with the public. Novel visualization techniques and dynamic user interfaces allow users to interact with data, and change the parameters to create custom views of the data to gain insight from simulations and environmental observations. This requires developing new data models and intelligent knowledge discovery techniques to explore and extract information from complex computational simulations or large data repositories. Scientific visualization will be an increasingly important part to build comprehensive environmental information platforms. This presentation provides an overview of the trends and challenges in the field of scientific visualization, and presents information visualization and communication tools developed within the light of these challenges for communicating radar and rainfall data using graphical processing unit and latest web technologies.