Application of Planar Fit Corrections to turbulence in a Forest Canopy Roughness Sublayer
Application of Planar Fit Corrections to turbulence in a Forest Canopy Roughness Sublayer

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 11:00 AM
Room C206 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The planar fit method for correcting sonic anemometer tilt is applied to a long term data set in a forest canopy roughness sublayer (CRSL). The effects of different choices of input data are examined to determine the validity of correcting data in this complex environment. Results show that computing a correction over time provides more consistent values than computing tilt for specific wind direction classes. It is found that while tilt corrections should not be made for long term measurements in the CRSL, the computation of a tilt angle is potentially useful for providing parameters to characterize the regional scale influences on wind canopy interactions.