Reanalysis of the 3 April 1974 Super Tornado Outbreak in the Tennessee Valley
Reanalysis of the 3 April 1974 Super Tornado Outbreak in the Tennessee Valley

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 4:15 PM
Room B402 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
This presentation will detail a multi-scale, multi-media re-analysis of the 3 April 1974 Super Tornado Outbreak in the Tennessee Valley region as the fortieth anniversary of the outbreak approaches. The presentation will include recently re-discovered aerial photography of tornado tracks across north Alabama and southern middle Tennessee. It will also include some new un-documented oral histories of the outbreak from those who were directly impacted by the tornadoes, and selected portions of these testimonials will be presented. Additional meteorological analysis will focus upon the upper-air soundings from Nashville, Tennessee and Birmingham, Alabama. The authors also worked with the National Climatic Data Center to acquire hard copies of WSR-57 radar imagery from the Nashville, Tennessee and Centerville, Alabama radar stations. Imagery and analysis from the height of the Tennessee Valley portion of the tornado outbreak will be shown.