AWIPS II Extended Extended Projects Overview and Status
AWIPS II Extended Extended Projects Overview and Status

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 1:45 PM
Room C105 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
AWIPS II Technology Infusion is a multiphase program. The first phase is the migration of the Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) and River Forecast Centers (RFCs) AWIPS I capabilities into a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), referred to as AWIPS II. The subsequent phases of AWIPS Technology Infusion, known as AWIPS II Extended, include several projects that will improve technological capabilities of AWIPS II in order to enhance the NWS enterprise and improve services to partners. This paper summarizes AWIPS II Extended projects status and plans including: National Centers AWIPS (NAWIPS) Migration Migration of National Centers AWIPS capabilities into the AWIPS II Service Oriented Architecture Thin Client Allow AWIPS remote access to support Impact-Based Decision Support Services meteorologists and the Central Weather Service Units Collaboration - Provide the ability to communicate NWS forecasts to our customers and partners more efficiently so that the appropriate response is generated Data Delivery Develop operational robust infrastructure to support intelligent access to non-local data provider datasets Hazard Services - Provides more efficient information accessibility in support of Impact-based Decision Support Services Migrate NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) functionality to AWIPS II infrastructure