Stewardship of NOAA Space Environmental Data
Stewardship of NOAA Space Environmental Data

Monday, 3 February 2014: 2:00 PM
Room C110 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (2.3 MB)
The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) is the steward of NOAA's space environmental data. Currently NGDC has prime responsible for stewarding space weather data from the GOES and POES satellite systems. These data are available directly from NGDC and via various data portals such as the NASA Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) and the Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory (VIRBO). NGDC also stewards operational space weather products from the USAF's Solar Electro-Optical Network (SEON) along with numerous other solar and space environmental datasets tied to NGDC's heritage as the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics. In this talk I will review the range of space environmental datasets available from NGDC and describe how to acquire and use the data. I will also discuss my perceived value for the historical datasets and solicit input on how to prioritize them in light of declining budgets and available manpower. Finally, I will discuss new space weather datasets coming online including data from the next-generation GOES satellites and NOAA's operational DSCOVR mission at L1.