Sensitivity to Planetary Boundaries Layer Schemes in the WRF model: Air Quality applications in coastal areas of the Gulf Of Mexico
Sensitivity to Planetary Boundaries Layer Schemes in the WRF model: Air Quality applications in coastal areas of the Gulf Of Mexico

Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (2.8 MB)
The near surface atmospheric concentration of pollutants (gases and particulate matter) in coastal areas depends on local sources (onshore and offshore), chemical reactions and transport which are highly variable spatially and temporarily. To enhance simulations of pollutant dispersion over sensible areas (cities and natural protected environments) it is important to appropriately set boundary layer processes from available model schemes. This study explore planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations in the WRF model at the western and central Gulf of Mexico in sensible areas (in Texas and Louisiana) with frequent to sporadic events of high levels of pollutant concentrations. The PBL options include YSU, MYJ and TEMF configured along with Kain-Fritsch (cumulus), Pleim-Xiu (land surface), Pleim-Xiu (surface layer), Dudhia (shortwave rad), GFDL (longwave rad), and Lin et al. (microphysics). Meteorological stations and IGRA radiosonde data are used to evaluate simulations at 12 km and 4 km over the region in July 2011. This model sensitivity analysis presents a step forward in finding a fine configuration to represent regional coastal processes including sea breeze and urban heat island effects in the first 2 km above the surface. The fine spatial resolution of 4 km is proposed to resolve areas with high density of platforms from the offshore energy (oil and gas) production industrial sector.