Deep convection initiation: state of the science, limits of understanding, and future directions

To assess the state of the current CI science, a range of observational- and model-based studies of the CI process and CI events are reviewed. A common key finding of the observational and modeling studies of CI is the joint requirement for sufficient convective instability of the mesoscale background environment combined with a source of deep, focused mesoscale lifting of comparable scale in at least one horizontal dimension to the initiated convective updraft. The deep mesoscale lifting that is postulated to precede a CI event has two simultaneous, favorable effects: (i) forced lifting of potentially unstable air through the parcel's LFC to initiate the buoyant updraft growth stage; (ii) deep-layer lifting that weakens or eliminates any inhibiting overlying inversion and lowers the lifted parcel's LFC, thus accelerating the onset of buoyant updraft acceleration.
A key limit of our current understanding regarding physical CI-related processes and their application proceeds from a general inability to adequately define the kinematic and thermodynamic mesoscale structure of the boundary layer and overlying lower atmosphere at relevant scales of CI forcing. Given the localized nature of CI events whose a priori probability may be conceived as somewhat horizontally homogeneous, it may ultimately be necessary to obtain and analyze cloud-scale observations over large contiguous areas to identify those environments that support CI. Another key limit on CI process understanding is the relative paucity of modeling and (particularly) observational studies of CI in which the main contribution of buoyant updraft air parcels is from a lower atmospheric layer that is substantially elevated above the earth's surface.
The presentation concludes with an assessment of current open CI science questions and speculation about progression of CI science and its application over the next 5-10 years.