The CRTM development includes contributions from multiple U.S. government agencies, universities as well as private companies. This paper will present the updates associate with the CRTM version 2.1, which is applicable for passive microwave, infrared and visible sensors. It supports all NOAA satellite instruments, NASA MODIS, and many foreign meteorological satellites. In this study, we will describe the CRTM functionalities and capabilities in the new release of version 2.1. The following are the progress highlights in the CRTM since 2013: 1. Microwave sea surface emissivity (FASTEM-5) verification in GSI 2. Improved microwave land surface emissivity model 3. Aircraft radiance simulations 4. Add CMAQ aerosol module 5. ScatteringIndicator development and testing 6. Sensitivity of the CRTM jacobian to input vertical coordinates 7. Transmittance coefficients for new sensors including Suomi NPP sensors
In this presentation, we focus on the CRTM development in supporting the Suomi NPP sensor validation and verification, new microwave surface emissivity impact in the GSI, CRTM aerosol module (AOD) for air quality forecasting. The CRTM AOD has been used in the WRF-chem to assimilate the MODIS AOD, which improved aerosol concentration prediction. The AOD module is based on the global GOCART aerosol classification. We are including the CMAQ aerosol types for applications in regional model. The CMAQ has more aerosol types for chemical species.
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