Early Performance Results from the GOES-R Product Generation System
Early Performance Results from the GOES-R Product Generation System

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 1:30 PM
Room C106 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (1.6 MB)
Enhancements to remote sensing capabilities for the next generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES R-series) scheduled to be launched in 2015 require high performance computing capabilities to output meteorological observations and products at low latency compared to the legacy processing systems. GOES R-series (GOES-R, -S, -T, and –U) represents a generational change in both spacecraft and instrument capability, and the GOES Re-Broadcast (GRB) data which contains calibrated and navigated radiances from all the instruments will be at a data rate of 31 Mb/sec compared to the current 2.11 Mb/sec from existing GOES satellites. To keep up with the data processing rates, the Product Generation (PG) system in the ground segment is designed on a Service Based Architecture (SBA). Each algorithm is executed as a service and subscribes to the data it needs to create higher level products via an enterprise service bus. Various levels of product data are published and retrieved from a data fabric. Together, the SBA and the data fabric provide a flexible, scalable, high performance architecture that meets the needs of product processing now and can grow to accommodate new algorithms in the future. The algorithms are linked together in a precedence chain starting from Level 0 to Level 1b and higher order Level 2 products that are distributed to data distribution nodes for external users. Qualification testing for more than half the product algorithms has so far been completed the PG system.