"The GOES-R/JPSS Proving Ground: A National Centers Perspective"
"The GOES-R/JPSS Proving Ground: A National Centers Perspective"

Wednesday, 5 February 2014: 11:00 AM
Room C111 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
The GOES-R/JPSS Proving Ground (PG) was organized as a pre-operational environment in which to demonstrate next generation geostationary satellite products and capabilities that will be incorporated in NOAA operations post-launch. The efforts of the PG encompass not only the regional National Weather Service forecast offices, but also the broader perspective of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Many of these centers have overlapping domains with weather hazards that affect a large number of people and property, however the focus of the PG within each varies uniquely based upon forecasting concerns. This presentation will use a combination of case studies and collected forecaster feedback to provide a National Center's perspective of the efforts of the PG at the Ocean Prediction Center, the Weather Prediction Center, the Aviation Weather Center, and the Storm Prediction Center.