Numerical Study on the Effects of Street–Canyon Aspect–Ratio on Reactive Pollutant Dispersion
Numerical Study on the Effects of Street–Canyon Aspect–Ratio on Reactive Pollutant Dispersion

Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (1.7 MB)
In this study, we investigate the effects of street–canyon aspect–ratio on reactive pollutant dispersion in urban area. For this, a CFD-Chem coupled model is used. A full tropospheric NOX-OX-VOCs chemical mechanism from GEOS-Chem is coupled with the CFD model. The chemical scheme includes 110 species and 343 reactions among which 50 reactions are photochemical reactions. The flow regimes are characterized with changes in street–canyon aspect–ratio. In each flow regime, concentration fields of reactive pollutant, VOC-NOX ratio, the correlation of flow regime and pollutant concentration are analyzed in urban street canyons.