UV Hyperspectral Observations of Space Weather in the Near-Earth Environment – an Expanding Capability
UV Hyperspectral Observations of Space Weather in the Near-Earth Environment – an Expanding Capability

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 2:45 PM
Room C110 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (12.3 MB)
APL has over a decade of experience with UV hyperspectral imagers that provide a wealth of information about ionospheric electron densities, and detailed information about aurorae. This data can be used for a variety of applications including: understanding ionospheric scintillation, radio propagation, the details of polar upper atmosphere dynamics and structure, hemispheric power, etc. New products have been developed including: an auroral forecast, discrete auroral arc identification, geomagnetic storm alerts, and 3D tomographic electron density reconstructions. This presentation will summarize the UV imagers on orbit as well as those planned for the future. We will also review the considerable number of space weather products produced by these instruments.