Enroute and responding: Where Weather data can support Hospital and EMS alerts
Enroute and responding: Where Weather data can support Hospital and EMS alerts

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 1:45 PM
Room C213 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Emergency medical vehicles continue to face weather related impacts that pose road weather challenges enroute, on-scene and in transport to nearest medical facility. Is it time to take a closer look at how weather data can better address threats and information that should be linked to hospital and EMS alerting systems? Can existing weather information be incorporated into an emergency vehicle's computer and routing systems to better communicate road weather issues to prevent disruptions in transport? Where does weather data better support 911 call centers, receiving hospitals , hospitals on alert status, and EMS-Fire Rescue stations?
This session will review recent weather related impacts affecting emergency medical response and opportunities for public and private weather enterprise to contribute data to support the emergency vehicle of the future.