Aerosol physical and chemical properties and their relationship with CCN at the ARM Azores site
Aerosol physical and chemical properties and their relationship with CCN at the ARM Azores site

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (3.4 MB)
Aerosol physical and chemical properties and their interactions with clouds present the largest uncertainties in estimating anthropogenic forcing of climate change and in predicting future climates. Many global climate models do not account for the internal properties of aerosols and tend to over- or under-estimate their effects. Therefore, it is necessary to account for both the aerosol physico-chemical properties as well as the general climatology of a region when discerning the effects of aerosols on global climate change. The primary goal of this study is to use several case studies over the ARM-Azores site to address two Scientific Questions (SQ): 1) What are the various aerosol types over this area in terms of seasonal and regional variations? and 2) What influences and relationships do these aerosols have on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)? A multi-platform data analysis approach consisting of surface measurements and model outputs will be used. Surface aerosol and CCN measurements will provide information on aerosol type (pollution, mineral dust, and biomass burning aerosols) and CCN. NOAA HYSPLIT backward trajectory data will verify the origins and pathways of different types of aerosol properties (clean or polluted airmasses) which will help to identify the aerosol physical and chemical properties, as well as their relationship with CCN.