Information System for Heat Disorders in Japan
Information System for Heat Disorders in Japan

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Abstract Recently Japan experienced hotter summer than usual, and according to the prompt reports of heat disorder patients taken to hospitals by ambulance cars (the Fire and Disaster Management Agency) the number of patients were 53,843 from June to August in 2010 and 43,863 from July to September in 2012. The Ministry of Environment (MOE) stared the information system to reduce risks for heat disorders in 2005 and developed the system year by year. In Japan in order to inform people of risks for heat disorders, we commonly use WBGT (Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature). For 2013 summer, the MOE updates heat information system, and we provide 3 hourly WBGT forecasts for 3 days and inform of 1 hourly observed and estimated WBGT for almost 850 towns (special resolution is around 23km). Additionally we provide WBGT forecasts for local governments and companies by http or for individuals in mobile phone short mails. Such educational activities encourage people' understandings for heat stress and contribute reduction of severe symptom patients during sudden heat wave condition.
Supplementary URL: http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/